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What is an Application?

An application is a request from the applicant for establishing a banking relationship with the issuer for its offerings. An application contains details the issuer needs before forming the banking relationship.

In the real world, you would ideally go up to the bank for filling up the application form to, say, apply for a prepaid card. With application APIs, the same API can serve as a real-world application form for any banking service, such as Prepaid Card.


Term Description
SKU * Dictates the allowed set of activities and transactions that can happen between the applicant and the issuer.
Spool * Defines the following:
  • Details needed as a part of application, such as PAN card number
  • Workflow for processing the application
  • Details of relationship formed once the application is approved

Spool Validator * Defines rules for validating an application. Currently, only JSON schema validators are supported.

'*' : Defined by the issuer
Note: Typically, the Financial Institution (IFI) configures an application workflow as per their requirement. A fintech shall abide by the application process set by the Financial Institution (IFI).

Stages of an Application

The stages of the application enable Issuers to define complex workflows for application processing, giving them more control over the process of issuance. The issuer can define the process they require an applicant to go through.

For example: After the applicant provides their demographic details, the Issuer can define a stage for data enrichment where the PEP (Politically exposed person) status of the applicant is fetched from a third party service. Post this, in the assessment state, the Issuer’s employee can, then, take a call on accepting or rejecting the application.

  • Sourcing [a.k.a data capture]

    Applicant provides data requested by the Issuer

    Example: Issuer can request the PAN card number, demographic information, mobile number and/or Aadhaar number of the applicant.

  • Enrichment

    Additional information about the applicant, as requested by the Issuer, are enriched in this stage. This information may be collected through external services as well and may require manual input as well.

    Example: Based on the information provided by the applicant, Issuer can check if the applicant is a politically exposed person (PEP) and add that data point to the application.

  • Review

    Application is reviewed for completeness and correctness of information. This can be performed manually or by a system process.

    A bot/person acting on behalf of the Issuer will verify the completeness of the application in this stage.

  • Assessment

    Issuer analyses the applicant’s eligibility for the relationship requested. Issuer can, then, accept,reject, conditionally approve or request for more information.

    Example: Based on the PEP status and the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) status of the applicant, Issuer can approve or reject the application.

  • Provisioning

    Once an application is approved, this is the stage where all the artifacts requested by the applicant (prepaid account, VISA card, etc.) are provisioned. At this juncture we say that a relationship has been successfully established between the Issuer and the applicant.

    Example: the Issuer, depending on the data points of the applicant, can issue them product A, B or C.

  • Accepted

    Application has been accepted by the Issuer. Terminal state, application can not be revived.

  • Rejected

    Application has been rejected by the Issuer. Terminal state, application can not be revived.

  • Requires Intervention

    In case any discrepancies are found or the system runs into error.

States of a Stage

Each application is supposed to be in 3 states

  • INITIATED - when the given stage of the application has been initialized
  • COMPLETED - when the given stage of the application has been completed
  • FAILED - when the given stage of the application has failed for some or the other reason

The fintech can only play around with the DATA_CAPTURE stage by marking its state as COMPLETED once all the required sections have been adequately completed and filled.

Application APIs

Create Application

Create an application for forming a banking relationship with the Issuer. The details collected as part of this application will be determined by the spool, which is defined by the Issuer. The spool id would be provided to you by Zeta when you are being onboarded as a fintech.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request POST '{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/{{ifiID}}/spool/{{spoolid}}/application' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{token}} \
--data-raw '{
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
    "vectors": [{
        "type": "e",
        "value": "[email protected]"
    "sections": {"AccountHolderDetails" : {
        "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
        "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
        "details": {
            "individualType": "REAL",
            "dob": {
                "year": 1957,
                "dayOfMonth": 13,
                "month": 7
            "salutation": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Sarthak",
            "lastName": "Verma",
            "middleName": "Kumar",
            "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
            "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
    "sections": {
        "AccountHolderDetails": {
            "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
            "details": {
                "dob": {
                    "year": 1957.0,
                    "month": 7.0,
                    "dayOfMonth": 13.0
                "gender": "MALE",
                "lastName": "Verma",
                "firstName": "Sarthak",
                "middleName": "Kumar",
                "salutation": "Mr.",
                "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
                "individualType": "REAL",
                "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
                "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30"
    "vectors": [
            "vectorId": "d8979db7-bc16-4934-9450-4c33a3991791",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "type": "e",
            "value": "[email protected]",
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "attributes": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30"
    "stages": [
            "stageId": "2b7c5ecc-64dc-4985-93d8-b1dfb8788de5",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ASSESSMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "24691789-c586-49fc-9071-ef5c58066211",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "DATA_CAPTURE",
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {
                "validationFailed": [
                        "code": "APPLICATION_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED",
                        "type": "JsonSchemaValidator",
                        "status": "FAILED",
                        "message": "#: #: only 1 subschema matches out of 2",
                        "attributes": {
                            "errorMessages": [
                                "#/sections: required key [Personal] not found",
                                "#/sections: required key [Vectors] not found"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.024+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:42:20.436+05:30"
            "stageId": "3546099b-4d81-42d5-abea-05dfbadf50a2",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ENRICHMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "11f04481-6e07-4036-b549-69a1868abdfc",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "PROVISIONING",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "e6163594-0b26-4d96-a890-79231c7adcf4",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "REVIEW",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30"
    "tags": [
            "type": "spool-id",
            "value": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "attributes": {}
            "type": "vbo-id",
            "value": "26c28ca6-4202-464c-9806-b788989762d4",
            "attributes": {}
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.672+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.815+05:30"
Code Copied

Get application

Fetch the details of the applicant using this API. You need to provide the application_id that was provided to you when you created the application for the given spool.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request GET '{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/{ifi_id}/application/{application_id}' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {authtoken}'
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
    "sections": {
        "AccountHolderDetails": {
            "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
            "details": {
                "dob": {
                    "year": 1957.0,
                    "month": 7.0,
                    "dayOfMonth": 13.0
                "gender": "MALE",
                "lastName": "Verma",
                "firstName": "Sarthak",
                "middleName": "Kumar",
                "salutation": "Mr.",
                "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
                "individualType": "REAL",
                "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
                "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30"
    "vectors": [
            "vectorId": "d8979db7-bc16-4934-9450-4c33a3991791",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "type": "e",
            "value": "[email protected]",
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "attributes": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30"
    "stages": [
            "stageId": "2b7c5ecc-64dc-4985-93d8-b1dfb8788de5",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ASSESSMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "24691789-c586-49fc-9071-ef5c58066211",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "DATA_CAPTURE",
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {
                "validationFailed": [
                        "code": "APPLICATION_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED",
                        "type": "JsonSchemaValidator",
                        "status": "FAILED",
                        "message": "#: #: only 1 subschema matches out of 2",
                        "attributes": {
                            "errorMessages": [
                                "#/sections: required key [Personal] not found",
                                "#/sections: required key [Vectors] not found"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.024+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:51:28.770+05:30"
            "stageId": "3546099b-4d81-42d5-abea-05dfbadf50a2",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ENRICHMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "11f04481-6e07-4036-b549-69a1868abdfc",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "PROVISIONING",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "e6163594-0b26-4d96-a890-79231c7adcf4",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "REVIEW",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30"
    "tags": [
            "type": "spool-id",
            "value": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "attributes": {}
            "type": "vbo-id",
            "value": "26c28ca6-4202-464c-9806-b788989762d4",
            "attributes": {}
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.672+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.815+05:30"
    "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
    "details": {
        "dob": {
            "year": 1957.0,
            "month": 7.0,
            "dayOfMonth": 13.0
        "gender": "MALE",
        "lastName": "Verma",
        "firstName": "Sarthak",
        "middleName": "Kumar",
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
        "individualType": "REAL",
        "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
        "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30"
Code Copied

Add section

Sometimes an applicant may not complete the application in one shot. For example, at a given stage the applicant is only carrying their ID proof but do not yet have the address proof. In such cases, you can add sections to the application before you mark the sourcing (DATA_CAPTURE) stage as complete.

Section is also a free flowing json that can be defined however the fintech wants but would eventually be verified using one of the schema validators of the application which is setup by the Issuer.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request POST 'https://fusion.preprod.zeta.in/api/v1/ifi/{{ifiID}}/spool/{{spool_id}}/application/{{application}}/section/AccountHolderDetails' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
	"details": {
            "individualType": "REAL",
            "dob": {
                "year": 1957,
                "dayOfMonth": 13,
                "month": 7
            "salutation": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Sarthak",
            "lastName": "Verma",
            "middleName": "Kumar",
            "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
            "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "mothersMaidenName": "xyz",
            "kycDetails": {
                "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
                "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL",
                "kycAttributes": {
                    "key": "value"
                "authType": "AADHAAR",
                "authData": {
                    "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "vectors": [{
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
            "pops": [{
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "postCode": "100010",
                    "country": "India"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "type": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "details": {
        "dob": {
            "year": 1957.0,
            "month": 7.0,
            "dayOfMonth": 13.0
        "pops": [
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postCode": "100010"
        "gender": "MALE",
        "vectors": [
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
        "lastName": "Verma",
        "firstName": "Sarthak",
        "kycDetails": {
            "authData": {
                "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "authType": "AADHAAR",
            "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
            "kycAttributes": {
                "key": "value"
            "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL"
        "middleName": "Kumar",
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
        "individualType": "REAL",
        "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
        "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T12:17:14.271+05:30"
Code Copied

Update Section

Finetch can also update a section of the application, in case any erroneous information has been provided using the update section API.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request PUT '{{fusion_base_url}}/v1/ifi/140793/spool/{{spool_id}}/application/{{application_id}}/AccountHolderDetails' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{auth_token}}' \
--data-raw '{
	"details": {
            "individualType": "REAL",
            "dob": {
                "year": 1957,
                "dayOfMonth": 13,
                "month": 7
            "salutation": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Sarthak",
            "lastName": "Verma",
            "middleName": "Kumar",
            "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
            "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "mothersMaidenName": "xyz",
            "kycDetails": {
                "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
                "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL",
                "kycAttributes": {
                    "key": "value"
                "authType": "AADHAAR",
                "authData": {
                    "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "vectors": [{
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
            "pops": [{
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "postCode": "100010",
                    "country": "India"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
Switch Theme
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    "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "type": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "details": {
        "dob": {
            "year": 1957.0,
            "month": 7.0,
            "dayOfMonth": 13.0
        "pops": [
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postCode": "100010"
        "gender": "MALE",
        "vectors": [
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
        "lastName": "Verma",
        "firstName": "Sarthak",
        "kycDetails": {
            "authData": {
                "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "authType": "AADHAAR",
            "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
            "kycAttributes": {
                "key": "value"
            "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL"
        "middleName": "Kumar",
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
        "individualType": "REAL",
        "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
        "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T12:17:14.271+05:30"
Code Copied

Mark Data Capture complete

This API is used to mark the data capture stage of application complete. This API indicates that the details that were to be collected from the applicant have been collected. Now as part of the next stage, Enrichment, details from third party services can be added.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request POST '{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/{{ifiID}}/spool/{{spool_id}}application/{{application_id}}/stage/DATA_CAPTURE/complete' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: '{{token}}'
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
    "sections": {
        "AccountHolderDetails": {
            "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "type": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "details": {
                "dob": {
                    "year": 1957.0,
                    "month": 7.0,
                    "dayOfMonth": 13.0
                "pops": [
                        "label": "home",
                        "address": {
                            "city": "Bareilly",
                            "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                            "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                            "state": "UP",
                            "country": "India",
                            "postCode": "100010"
                "gender": "MALE",
                "vectors": [
                        "type": "p",
                        "value": "+919000000000",
                        "isVerified": true
                "lastName": "Verma",
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                "kycDetails": {
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                        "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
                    "authType": "AADHAAR",
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                        "key": "value"
                    "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL"
                "middleName": "Kumar",
                "salutation": "Mr.",
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                "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
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            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T15:53:41.943+05:30"
    "vectors": [
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            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "type": "e",
            "value": "[email protected]",
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "attributes": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30"
    "stages": [
            "stageId": "2b7c5ecc-64dc-4985-93d8-b1dfb8788de5",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ASSESSMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
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            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "24691789-c586-49fc-9071-ef5c58066211",
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            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "DATA_CAPTURE",
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {
                "validationFailed": [
                        "code": "APPLICATION_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED",
                        "type": "JsonSchemaValidator",
                        "status": "FAILED",
                        "message": "#: #: only 1 subschema matches out of 2",
                        "attributes": {
                            "errorMessages": [
                                "#/sections: required key [Personal] not found",
                                "#/sections: required key [Vectors] not found"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.024+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T15:56:30.525+05:30"
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            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
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            "name": "ENRICHMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
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            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "PROVISIONING",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
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            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "REVIEW",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30"
    "tags": [
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            "value": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "attributes": {}
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            "value": "26c28ca6-4202-464c-9806-b788989762d4",
            "attributes": {}
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.672+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.815+05:30"
Code Copied
Additional APIs can be exposed to the Fintech, subject to the Issuer’s approval. Fintech can subscribe to the ‘Account Holder Created’ event to know when the application gets approved.