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KYC Error Codes: RBL Bank

This article contains the error codes pertaining to the different types of KYC– Aadhaar XML KYC, and Aadhaar Biometric KYC with the RBL Bank.

Aadhaar XML KYC

S.No. Error Code Error Message Error Description Application Flow
1 KY1001 KYC session expired. Please initiate KYC again The session token provided in the webview either expired or was invalid Redirection to failure URL with the error code
2 KY1002 Please verify the applicant details entered and try again When the phone vector used by the XML KYC applicant matches that of an existing account holder in fusion with Full KYC but the name and DOB entered by him don't match the Fusion AH The applicant is allowed to resume his application
3 KY1003 Please verify the applicant details entered and try again When an XML KYC application already exists against the same phone vector and the applicant's provided name and dob don't match with the existing application The applicant is allowed to resume his application
4 KY1004 Please verify the applicant details entered and try again When an applicant completes the oKYC webview flow but the matching scores received are less than the threshold or mobile verification flag(if the applicant's phone vector matches the one linked to his Aadhaar) is false. The applicant is allowed to resume his application
5 KY1005 An unexpected error occurred, please try again When an error occurs in the bank systems and S2S call transaction status is failed The applicant is allowed to resume his application
6 KY1006 Please provide consent for Aadhaar KYC and try again 1) If an applicant hasn’t provided consent for the oKYC webview. \ 2) If an applicant has provided consent for oKYC webview but the bank’s S2S calls are erroring out The applicant is allowed to resume his application
7 KY1008 An unexpected error occurred while updating the KYC status, please try again If after an applicant completes the OTP webview flow, the bank hasn't marked the Xml KYC of the applicant as completed The applicant is allowed to resume his application
8 KY1009 OTP couldn't be generated. Please try again When an error occurs in the eKYC service while creating an OTP challenge for the user The applicant is allowed to resume his application
8 KY1010 The OTP entered is incorrect. Please enter the correct OTP When the user provides the wrong OTP in the OTP screen The applicant is allowed to resume his application
10 KY1011 An unexpected error occurred while verifying the OTP, please try again When an error occurs in the eKYC service while verifying the OTP of the user The applicant is allowed to resume his application
11 KY1012 An unexpected error occurred, please try again When an unexpected error occurs with the bank's APIs Redirection to failure URL with the error code
12 KY1013 An unexpected error occurred, please try again When the request data received by eKYC service is not in the correct format e.g. phoneNumber, emailID fields Redirection to failure URL with the error code
13 KY1014 Incorrect applicant details entered. KYC data verification failed Application is rejected for a configured number of hrs when KY1002 error occurs

more than the max error attempts allowed

Redirection to failure URL with the error code
14 KY1015 Incorrect applicant details entered. KYC data verification failed Application is rejected for a configured number of hrs when KY1003 error occurs more than the max error attempts allowed Redirection to failure URL with the error code
15 KY1016 Incorrect applicant details entered. KYC data verification failed Application is rejected for a configured number of hrs when KY1004 error occurs more than the max error attempts allowed Redirection to failure URL with the error code
16 KY1017 The OTP entered is incorrect, KYC data verification failed Application is rejected for a configured time because the applicant exceeded the max attempts allowed for incorrect OTP Redirection to failure URL with the error code
17 KY1018 An unexpected error occurred, please try again When an error occurs in the eKYC service while fetching the account holder details The applicant is allowed to resume his application
18 KY1019 Max number of OTP generation attempts reached, KYC data verification failed The applicant exceeded the max number of OTP generation attempts reached Redirection to failure URL with the error code
19 KY1020 Please provide Phone Number in the format:<country-code><ten-digit_number> Phone Number provided for the session is not in the format:<country-code><ten-digit_number> sessionToken API error.
20 KY1021 Session token is missing Session Token wasn’t been provided in the webview URL Redirection to failure URL with the error code
21 KY1022 KYC data verification failed The applicant is retrying his already rejected application before the minimum time allowed to retry a rejected application has elapsed Redirection to failure URL with the error code
22 KY1023 An unexpected error occurred, please try again When an unexpected error occurs with an S2S call by the bank's oKYC webview This error code is returned to the bank during failures in the S2S call
23 KY1024 An unexpected error occurred, please try again When an unexpected error occurs with Bank's encryption jar Redirection to failure URL with the error code
24 KY1025 An unexpected error occurred, please try again When there is an error in an internal service while creating or updating the account holder for the XML KYC applicant Redirection to failure URL with the error code
25 KY1026 <Error Message as received from the bank> When a recoverable error is thrown by the bank during the customer onboarding, fusion sends the same error message in the UI as shared by the bank. The applicant is allowed to resume his application
26 KY2001 - When a user clicks on the exit button of the Zeta webview then s/he is redirected to the failure URL with this error code Redirection to failure URL with the error code
27 KY2002 - When VBO provides the phone number in an incorrect format while calling the eKYC webview Redirection to failure URL with the error code

Aadhaar Biometric KYC

Error Error Code Message
RBL_API_EXCEPTION RBL_API_EXCEPTION There can be different types of messages in response :-

1. OTT Generation Exception

2. Failure requerying customer data

3. Error onboarding customer

4. Error getting verified customer details

5. Invalid unique reference

6. Rbl Unique reference generation Exception

EKYC_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION EKYC_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION There can be different types of messages in response:-

1. Error creating challenge

2. Error verifying challenge

3. Error getting ott

4. Error re-querying customer data

5. Error onboarding customer

6. Error getting verified customer details

7. Error generating RBL unique reference

AGENT_API_EXCEPTION AGENT_API_EXCEPTION There can be different types of messages in response:-

1. Error creating challenge

2. Error verifying challenge

MAX_ATTEMPT_EXHAUSTED_EXCEPTION MAX_ATTEMPT_EXHAUSTED_EXCEPTION Three attempts exhausted please restart the process
ALREADY_KYCED_EXCEPTION ALREADY_KYCED_EXCEPTION There can be different types of messages in response:-

1. Customer already has KYC done

2. Already KYC done

INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION The message is as per the missing thing in the exception

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