How do I generate the JSON Web Token?
Samples from some languages are provided in the documentation. If you want to look out for more options, you can find different libraries available at
How do I verify the correctness of the JSON Web Token?
There are few parameters that can be checked right away for JWT correctness on Once you enter the token there, you should be able to verify if the algorithm in use is
or no, the tenantUniqueVectorId
, the issued at time, iat
& expiry exp
Why do I see 'No static method' while integrating the SDK?
If you’re facing : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method addCallback(Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/ListenableFuture;Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/FutureCallback;)V
in class Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/Futures; or its super classes (declaration of ‘’ appears in /data/app/com.peseva.test-l-xIZ62XhBuI8O9PfA3l6w==/base.apk) while integrating, it could be that you are are using an old version of guava. <= 19.0, some methods have been deprecated. Developers should use a new. version of guava. We are currently using 29.0-android.
in class Lcom/google/common/util/concurrent/Futures; or its super classes (declaration of ‘’ appears in /data/app/com.peseva.test-l-xIZ62XhBuI8O9PfA3l6w==/base.apk) while integrating, it could be that you are are using an old version of guava. <= 19.0, some methods have been deprecated. Developers should use a new. version of guava. We are currently using 29.0-android.
Why is there no response form the API and the SDK seems stuck?
Check if you have all the required permissions mentioned in the Preparing environment section.
What do I do If I am unable to access the SDK via Gradle?
Check if the credentials in use are valid. Use the CURL shared with you to obtain the SHA string printed in your terminal. If you’re unable to proceed with valid credentials, please contact Zeta Support for further assistance.