iOS SDK Setup
Step 1 : Adding the SDK
The iOS Card SDK is compatible with apps supporting iOS with version 10 and above. To add the ApolloCardFramework to your project, follow these steps:
Set up Cocoapods using simple steps mentioned in this link
Open the Podfile created in your project and add ApolloCardsFramework dependency as mentioned in the code below:
Enable Bitcode
to NO under Target > Build Settings.
Step 2 : Setting up the SDK
Adding configuration files
A configuration file contains all the properties necessary for activating the SDK. You should add the file to the main target of your project to prepare your app to work with the SDK. You will receive the configuration file namedsupercardSdk.plist
through email. If you haven’t received the file, contact Zeta. -
Adding theme & template files
Card SDK provides you with the capability to define the theme and layout used by the SDK. These can be edited remotely so you won’t have to ship a new app build for changing how your view looks. You can change your theme by contacting Zeta and it will reflect on your app on the next launch. -
Configure properties
To enable authentication using face recognition (Face ID), add a value to theNSfaceIdUsageDescription
(Privacy - Face ID Usage Description) with a message in theinfo.plist
Step 3. Initialize the SDK
Create the ApolloCardManager instance in your AppDelegate file. Initialize it inside the applicationdidFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of your Applicationclass
. Keep the instance for ApolloCardManager
globally accessible.
Step 4. Integrating the SDK
Card SDK is a stateful SDK. Before you start using the Card SDK features, take care of the following :
Authenticating Cards SDK
For a user of your app to be able to use the cards SDK through your app, you need to authenticate the user with the tenantAuthToken. The tenantAuthToken needs to be computed in your backend as it needs sensitive information to create the token. The information used to generate the tenantAuthToken should never be compromised.
Set the tenantAuthToken to the cards SDK once the user logs into your app and you have sufficient information to issue a tenantAuthToken for the user. Following is a code snippet on how to authenticate the SDK:
- This step has to be performed in a fresh log-in of the user or when the earlier provided tenantAuthToken expires.
- A tenantAuthToken has an associated validity with it. The ideal practice is to reset a new token before it expires.
Setting up the SDK
Note: Ensure that this step is performed only after you have authenticated the SDK.
Basic Setup
This step has to be performed on every launch of the app (post the authentication of the SDK). You can perform this after the authentication step (By listening to SDKStatusAuthenticated event) .
Listen to the listener for success. You can access the Cards SDK APIs
Advanced setup
For storing the card details and authentication information securely, we use encrypted storage and hide the data behind the user’s authentication. If you are an issuer, you can provide a custom implementation of your own encrypted storage. This is how you can achieve it: