• Credit

    US flag
  • Credit

    US flag

Jane, a salaried professional, holds a credit card to manage her expenses. The credit card is offered by XYZ fintech in partnership with ABC Bank.
Jane has recently purchased a new property on loan. To pay a loan EMI of $339.10 and monthly household expenses of $250 efficiently, she decides to increase the credit card limit to $2000.
She wrote an email to XYZ fintech customer support to request an increase in the credit limit having following details:

In this cookbook, we will see how the Virtual Bank Operator (VBO) of fintech can change the credit limit as requested by Jane.

The VBO requests the issuer to increase the credit limit on Jane’s credit card using her Account ID.

cURL sample
Switch Theme
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 curl --location --request PATCH 'http://ruby.internal.mum1-stage.zetaapps.in/ruby/tenants/172097/products/2703641852851877968/accounts/6eae61eb-2b80-44d1-999e-c64d4f4d8706/creditLimit' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{AUTH_TOKEN}}' \
--data-raw '{
   "creditLimit" : 500000
Code Copied
JSON sample
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   "requestID": "dc346fd7-16ca-4465-8196-4260c2c2c645",
   "tenantID": 172097,
   "productID": 2703641852851877968,
   "id": "dc346fd7-16ca-4465-8196-4260c2c2c645",
   "accountHolderID": "f57a9f12-5df0-4179-9abc-07d503407976",
   "name": "Credit card account",
   "currency": "USD",
   "creditLimit": 500000,
   "sanctionedLimit": 100000,
   "openDate": "2021-05-28",
   "attributes": {
       "currency": "USD"
   "flags": {
       "delinquent": false,
       "foreclosed": false,
       "debitBlocked": false,
       "dontAllowJit": false,
       "dontPostFees": false,
       "creditBlocked": false,
       "dontAllowHold": false,
       "dontAllowLien": false,
       "dontAllowMemo": false,
       "dontAssessFees": false,
       "dontAllowMandate": false,
       "dontPostInterest": false,
       "dontAssessInterest": false,
       "disableTransactionPolicyChecks": false
Code Copied