• Credit

    US flag
  • Credit

    US flag

Jane, a salaried professional, holds a credit card to manage her expenses. The credit card is offered by XYZ fintech in partnership with ABC Bank.
Jane travels frequently due to her work nature. She missed paying her credit card bill a few times in the past. Now, she prefers to get notified through email about the new statements to avoid missing her bill payments in the future.
Jane wrote an email to XYZ fintech customer support having the following details to request receiving email statements of her credit card account:

In this cookbook, we will see how the Virtual Bank Operator (VBO) of fintech registers email as a preferred mode of communication for card statements.

The VBO adds the dispatch mode of the credit statement using statementPreferences ID as a parameter.

cURL sample
Switch Theme
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curl --location --request POST 'http://ruby.internal.mum1-stage.zetaapps.in/ruby/tenants/172097/products/2703641852851877968/accounts/e76accb3-3295-4623-a282-8976fba9d9f1/statementPreferences/835f5a13-9971-4552-a0f4-ac94e30a9b77/dispatchModes' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{AUTH_TOKEN}}' \
--data-raw '{
   "mode": "EMAIL"
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JSON sample
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Billing process takes care of triggering statements to all dispatch modes.
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