• Credit

    US flag
  • Credit

    US flag

Jane, a salaried professional, holds a credit card to manage her expenses. The credit card is offered by XYZ fintech in partnership with ABC Bank.
Jane has planned to take her family on an international vacation. While preparing the itinerary for the vacation, Jane realised that she might need to use her credit card overseas for any unforeseen expenses. She decided to enable her card for international usage.
Jane logged into the mobile banking application of XYZ fintech and selected her credit card number to request for enablement. The Virtual Bank Operator (VBO) of fintech received the following details from her:

The VBO fetches the card details using the card number of the Account Holder.

cURL sample
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curl -X GET "https://api-playground0zetaapps.mum1.zeta.in/api/v1/ifis/180795/cards/?vectorType=CARDNUMBER&vectorID=4000056655665556&offset=123&limit=50" \
 -H "Accept: application/json" \
Code Copied
JSON sample
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  "cards": [
      "vectors": {},
      "cardSku": {
        "bin": "string",
        "vendorID": "string",
        "tags": [
        "range": "string",
        "cardSkuId": "string",
        "plasticCode": "string",
        "ifi": "string",
        "productID": "string"
      "maskedPan": "string",
      "cardStatus": "string",
      "tenantAttributes": {},
      "statusReason": {
        "code": "OTHER",
        "description": "User's card was hotlisted"
      "cardType": "string",
      "sensitiveView": {},
      "orderDetails": {},
      "cardID": "2cf4cdd-a01a-40c4-91ac-d8d88aac7ea1",
      "associatedAT": "string",
      "binRange": {},
      "crn": "string",
      "cguid": "string"
Code Copied

The VBO updates the status of the card using the Account Holder’s Card ID.

cURL sample
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curl -X POST "https://api-playground0zetaapps.mum1.zeta.in/api/v1/ifis/180795/cards/aa267641-f475-4acb-859e-bb9c60d3e9db/status" \
 -H "Accept: application/json" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"status":"ENABLED","reason":{"code":"OTHER","description":"User's card was enabled"}}' \
Code Copied
JSON sample
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  "vectors": {},
  "cardSku": {
    "bin": "string",
    "vendorID": "string",
    "tags": [
    "range": "string",
    "cardSkuId": "string",
    "plasticCode": "string",
    "ifi": "string",
    "productID": "string"
  "maskedPan": "string",
  "cardStatus": "string",
  "tenantAttributes": {},
  "statusReason": {
    "code": "OTHER",
    "description": "User's card was enabled"
  "cardType": "string",
  "sensitiveView": {},
  "orderDetails": {},
  "cardID": "2cf4cdd-a01a-40c4-91ac-d8d88aac7ea1",
  "associatedAT": "string",
  "binRange": {},
  "crn": "string",
  "cguid": "string"
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