• Prepaid

    In locale
  • Prepaid

    In locale

Response Codes

Fusion uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the status of your API request. The codes are categorized into:

  • 2xx (Successful): Call is executed successfully.

  • 4xx (Client error) : Error due to the provided information in the request.

  • 5xx (Server error) : Error with Fusion server.

Generic Error Codes

Fusion APIs return standard error codes when an API operation fails to process a request payload. In such scenarios, error codes and their corresponding HTTP status codes help you troubleshoot the issue.

The sample error response below shows the HTTP response body structure that is returned in case of error:

Sample Error Response
Switch Theme
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HTTP Response Body:
  “code”: AE4018
  “message”: Mandatory input parameter is missing
  “attributes”: {
    "id": "should is missing",
    "email": "invalid email"
Code Copied

Error codes

The following table lists the possible error codes returned on Fusion platform:

Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
FU4000 400 Bad Request
Server was unable to process the client request due to invalid syntax.
FU4001 401 Unauthorised
Client does not have valid authentication credentials (username, password, auth token) for the accessing the resource on the server.
FU4003 403 Forbidden
Page or resource you are trying to access is forbidden.
FU4004 404 Not Found
Page you are trying to access could not be found on the server as it might have been deleted or moved to a different location.
FU4005 405 Method Not Allowed
Server has rejected the method for the accessing the requested resource.
FU4008 408 Request Timeout
Due to incorrect URI specified in the request, the page takes longer time to load.
FU4009 409 Conflict
When the client is trying to upload the same file as in the server, then this results in version control conflict.
FU4010 410 Gone
Resource in the server is permanently deleted.
FU4012 412 Precondition Failed
Precondition given in one or more of the header fields is evaluated to false when it is tested on the server.
FU4013 413 Payload Too Large
Request payload is too large for the server to accept and process it.
FU4014 414 URI Too Long
URI in the request is too long for the server to accept and process it.
FU4015 415 Unsupported Media Type
Format of the requested resource is not supported by the server.
FU4017 417 Expectation Failed
Expect header field could not be met by the server.
FU4029 429 Too Many Requests
Client has sent too many API requests to the server.
FU4051 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
Client requests a resource that cannot be served for legal reasons.
FU5000 500 Internal Server Error
Server has some issue.
FU5001 501 Not Implemented
Server cannot implement the request. This error needs to be resolved by the administrator on the server end.
FU5002 502 Bad Gateway
Server act as a gateway or proxy for an upstream server. This error implies that the server received an invalid response from the upstream server due to which it cannot process the client request.
FU5003 503 Service Unavailable
Server is overloaded with client requests. There might be a downtime on the server due to which it is unavailable.
FU5004 504 Gateway Timeout
Server act as a gateway or proxy for an upstream server. This error implies that the server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server due to which it cannot process the client request.