• Prepaid

    In locale
  • Prepaid

    In locale

Issue a Card

You can issue a card to your Account Holder using either of the 3 methods as below.

  • Issue Bundle
  • Issue payment product
  • Issue multiple payment products Each of these methods are explained in the following sections.

Prerequisites for Card Issuance

In Fusion a Card can be ordered for an account holder by creating a card order. However to do this, the following prerequisites needs to be met:

  1. Existing Account Holder: Your customer to whom you want to issue the card must be an existing account holder. To create a new account holder refer to the Create AH section.

  2. Account: For every Account Holder who you want to issue the card there should be a corresponding account belonging to him/her. Whenever a transaction will be requested from this payment instrument- card, the respective debit/credit will be done from this account. To create an account refer to the Create Account section.

Issue card with Issue Bundle

Issue Bundle API (/issueBundle) is used to issue a specific Bundle to an account holder. Using this API, you can issue both the account and the card to the Account Holder. The card issued using this API will be linked to the account hence created by this API.

Endpoint URI


Input parameters

  • ifiID: Required. Unique identifier of the IFI.

  • BundleID: Required. Unique identifier of the Bundle being issued. requestID: Optional. This identifier is used to identify a unique request. A unique identifier has to be passed for every new issuance request, even in the case of request failure. If not explicitly passed in the request, Fusion will automatically create a unique identifier and pass in the response.It is recommended to send this request ID for debugging purposes.

  • accountHolderID: Required. Unique identifier of the account holder to whom the Bundle is to be issued.

  • name: Required. Name of the Bundle to be issued

  • phoneNumber: Required. Phone number that has to be associated with the card..This phone number will be used for payment authentication, i.e. to send and verify the OTP.

  • targetAccount: Optional. URI of the account that should be linked to the payment product artifacts (resource and form-factor) being issued. (This should be specified only in the case the resource and form-factor should point to an existing account)

  • disableFFCreation: Optional. This is a flag to disable all types of form-factor creation for the account holder while issuing the Bundle. If enabled, this will prevent the creation of a new resource and form-factor for every payment product in the Bundle. Default value: false

  • disablePhoneFFCreation: Optional. This is a flag to disable phone form-factor creation for the account holder while issuing the Bundle. If enabled, this will prevent the creation of a new phone form-factor for every payment product in the Bundle. Default value: false

  • disableCardFFCreation: Optional. This is a flag to disable card form-factor creation for the account holder while issuing the Bundle. If enabled, this will prevent the creation of a new card form-factor for every payment product in the Bundle. Default value: false

Response parameters

  • BundleID: Unique identifier of the issued Bundle.

  • accountHolderID: Unique Identifier of the account holder.

  • accountID: Unique Identifier of the account product.

  • status: Status of the issued product. Value of this field can be ACTIVE/INACTIVE

  • targetAccount: URI of the account with which the form-factor got linked. On making a transaction using the payment instrument, the balance would be deducted from this account.


cURL Sample
Switch Theme
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curl -X POST \{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/140827/bundles/ee64c930-c06f-49cb-9443-84b132b9d4e2/issueBundle \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{AUTH_TOKEN}}' \
-d '{
  "accountHolderID": "aa267641-f475-4acb-859e-bb9c60d3e9db",
  "disableCardFFCreation": false,
  "disableFFCreation": false,
  "disablePhoneFFCreation": false,
  "name": "Bundle 1",
  "phoneNumber": "+919876543210",
  "requestID": "97e165be-0f9b-4337-865b-b1fd5a683ed7"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
Switch Theme
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  "accounts": [
      "accountHolderID": "aa267641-f475-4acb-859e-bb9c60d3e9db",
      "accountID": "4cdb45da-0ae5-46bf-8aae-c0943a5aae3f",
      "bundleID": "ee64c930-c06f-49cb-9443-84b132b9d4e2",
      "status": "ACTIVE"
  "bundleID": "b5cb1ce2-89e3-4435-88d5-2d392e3fe938",
  "paymentInstruments": [
      "bundleID": "ee64c930-c06f-49cb-9443-84b132b9d4e2",
      "resourceID": "908b3067",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "targetAccount": "account://4cdb45da-0ae5-46bf-8aae-c0943a5aae3f"
  "requestID": "97e165be-0f9b-4337-865b-b1fd5a683ed7"
Code Copied

Issue Multiple Payment Product

Issue Multiple Payment Products API (/issuePaymentProducts) is used to issue multiple payment products present in a Bundle to an account holder. This API takes in the /ProductsID of the payment products that have to be issued, and provisions resource and form-factor for only those products. A success response for this API would mean successful issuance of all of the specified payment products for the account holder. In case of a failure, form-factor for none of the specified products would be created.

Endpoint URI


  • ifiID: Required. Unique identifier of the IFI.

  • BundleID: Required. Unique Identifier of the Bundle whose account productbeing issued. requestID: Optional. This identifier is used to identify a unique request. A unique identifier has to be passed for every new issuance request, even in the case of request failure. If not explicitly passed in the request, Fusion will automatically create a unique identifier and pass in the response. It is recommended to send this request ID for debugging purposes.

  • targetAccountIDtargetAccountID: Optional. If the Bundle does not have any account products, the targetAccountID shall be used in the payment instrument field.

  • paymentProductID: Required. Unique Identifier of the payment product being issued.

  • phonenumberphonenumber: Required. Phone number that has to be associated with the card. This phone number will be used for payment authentication, i.e. to send and verify the OTP.

  • disableFFCreation: Optional. This is a flag to disable all types of form-factor creation for the account holder while issuing the Bundle. If enabled, this will prevent the creation of a new resource and form-factor for every payment product in the Bundle. Default value: false

  • disablePhoneFFCreation: Optional. This is a flag to disable phone form-factor creation for the account holder while issuing the Bundle. If enabled, this will prevent the creation of a new phone form-factor for every payment product in the Bundle. Default value: false

  • disableCardFFCreation: Optional. This is a flag to disable card form-factor creation for the account holder while issuing the Bundle. If enabled, this will prevent the creation of a new card form-factor for every payment product in the Bundle. Default value: false

Response parameters

  • accountHolderID: Unique Identifier of the account holder.

  • accountIDaccountID: Unique Identifier of the issued payment product.

  • BundleID: Unique Identifier of the Bundle whose account product is issued.

  • status: Status of the issued payment product. Value of this field can be ACTIVE/INACTIVE

  • resourceID: Unique Identifier of the issued resource.

  • formFactorID: Unique Identifier of the issued form-factor.


cURL Sample
Switch Theme
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curl --location --request POST '{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/140827/bundles/fe6b7566-6796-4e7e-8c81-1549a537e068/issuePaymentProducts' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{AUTH_TOKEN}}' 
--data-raw '{
	"accountHolderID": "e757baf5-c777-4151-bce4-4c35d30b830f",
	"issuePaymentProductRequests": [
			"targetAccountID": "f35f88dd-481c-4b0f-84b5-8be991c008ae",
			"paymentProductID": "79cc92f3-d722-40b7-aae0-4b53313cfd52",
			"phoneNumber": "+91017765432",
			"disableFFCreation": false,
			"disableCardFFCreation": false,
	        "disablePhoneFFCreation": false
			"targetAccountID": "f35f88dd-481c-4b0f-84b5-8be991c008ae",
			"paymentProductID": "465fc26b-af2f-4545-8f36-9ec1477403fa",
			"phoneNumber": "+9125773447983",
			"disableFFCreation": false,
			"disableCardFFCreation": false,
	        "disablePhoneFFCreation": false
	"requestID": "97e165be-0f9b-4337-865b-b1fd5a683ed7"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
Switch Theme
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	"requestID": "97e165be-0f9b-4337-865b-b1fd5a683ed7",
	"accountHolderID": "e757baf5-c777-4151-bce4-4c35d30b830f",
	"bundleID": "fe6b7566-6796-4e7e-8c81-1549a537e068",
	"issuePaymentProductRequests": [
			"bundleID": "fe6b7566-6796-4e7e-8c81-1549a537e068",
      		"resourceID": "874b3234",
      		"status": "ACTIVE",
      		"targetAccount": "account://f35f88dd-481c-4b0f-84b5-8be991c008ae"
			"bundleID": "fe6b7566-6796-4e7e-8c81-1549a537e068",
      		"resourceID": "908b3067",
      		"status": "ACTIVE",
      		"targetAccount": "account://f35f88dd-481c-4b0f-84b5-8be991c008ae"
Code Copied

Order Generation for Physical Card Issuance

Customers can request for a standard physical card which can be used for both offline cash withdrawals and all online transactions. Printing physical cards usually undergoes a fulfilment process involving third-party vendors for embossing, designing and logistics. To issue a physical card for an account holder a card order is created. To know more refer Card order lifecycle.