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Manage Account Holders

Manage your Account Holders and Applications using Fusion APIs. In this article you learn about:

Get Account Holder Details

There are two ways to fetch details for an Account Holder— using Account Holder ID or Vectors.

Using Account Holder ID

If you have Account Holder’s ID (individualID), use the /accountHolders API to fetch their details.


Input parameters

  • ifiID: Required. Unique identifier of the IFI.
  • accountHolderID: Required. Unique identifier of the Account Holder. Same as individualID


In the following example, we fetch Account Holder’s details using Account Holder’s ID (individualID):

cURL Sample
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curl -X GET 'https://fusion.preprod.zeta.in/api/v1/ifi/140827/accountHolders/b9988179-9a74-41f5-aba4-0b85e501fd68'
-H 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{AUTH_TOKEN}}' 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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"requestID": "7ef0d6a4-e098-47fd-9d1c-6b9d8edc52de",
"id": "b9988179-9a74-41f5-aba4-0b85e501fd68",
"ifiID": 140827,
"accountHolderProviderID": "862bb162-b5ad-4112-9d73-bb2306546a36",
"vectors": [
    "id": "b6bd9b26-16b3-4b99-b7d4-a1ecdd3718d3",
    "accountHolderID": "b9988179-9a74-41f5-aba4-0b85e501fd68",
    "ifiID": 140827,
    "status": "ENABLED",
    "type": "aadhaar",
    "value": "OyqYXR+TvnRMnCVPIpXe+amOfwWblwORK1cK8qMr7oE=",
    "createdAt": "Jan 6, 2020 7:41:05 AM",
    "headers": {}
    "id": "94b63932-3a7a-4bce-8334-12f85ddaeaca",
    "accountHolderID": "b9988179-9a74-41f5-aba4-0b85e501fd68",
    "ifiID": 140827,
    "status": "ENABLED",
    "type": "p",
    "value": "+919583170190",
    "createdAt": "Jan 6, 2020 7:41:05 AM",
    "headers": {}
"type": "REAL",
"status": "ENABLED",
"KYCStatus": {
  "ifiID": 140827,
  "accountHolderID": "b9988179-9a74-41f5-aba4-0b85e501fd68",
  "kycStatus": "MINIMAL",
  "updateTime": {
    "date": {
      "year": 2020,
      "month": 1,
      "day": 6
    "time": {
      "hour": 7,
      "minute": 41,
      "second": 5,
      "nano": 579646000
  "expiryTime": {
    "date": {
      "year": 2021,
      "month": 1,
      "day": 5
    "time": {
      "hour": 7,
      "minute": 41,
      "second": 5,
      "nano": 0
  "attributes": {
    "aadhaar": "OyqYXR+TvnRMnCVPIpXe+amOfwWblwORK1cK8qMr7oE=",
    "kycType": "MINIMAL",
    "authType": "AADHAAR",
    "reference": "dd4302e0-1da9-4ea2-9948-22f74c2568dcydYKXSknhzbDHcL+3sfXzQ=="
  "headers": {}
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Abhinav",
"middleName": "",
"lastName": "Shukla",
"profilePicURL": "http://mypic.picland.somewhere.com/profile_pic.jpg",
"dob": "Jul 5, 1992",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"mothersMaidenName": "kumari",
"pops": [],
"tags": [],
"attributes": {
  "companyID": "[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]"
"createdAt": {
  "date": {
    "year": 2020,
    "month": 1,
    "day": 6
  "time": {
    "hour": 7,
    "minute": 41,
    "second": 5,
    "nano": 579646000
"headers": {}
Code Copied

Using Vector

Vectors are unique identifiers, like phone and email, used to identify an Account Holder. Use the /individualByVector API and pass the Account Holder’s Vector as path parameter to fetch their details.


Input parameters

  • ifiID: Required. Unique identifier of the IFI.
  • vectorType: Required. Type of Vector using which details are being fetched. Allowed values: p for phone number; e for email.
  • vectorValue: Required. Value based on Vector type specified. For example, if vectorType is p, specify Account Holder’s phone number; if vectorType is e, specify email ID.


In the following example, we fetch Account Holder’s details using phone number:

cURL Sample
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curl -X GET 'https://fusion.preprod.zeta.in/api/v1/ifi/140827/individualByVector/p/+914071839645' 
-H 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{AUTH_TOKEN}}' 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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  "requestID": "78c1232f-7b15-47ca-be7e-c591e40406de",
  "id": "3cfa87dc-2ae2-43f7-9adc-3d2fa0fb1f50",
  "ifiID": 140827,
  "accountHolderProviderID": "862bb162-b5ad-4112-9d73-bb2306546a36",
  "vectors": [
          "id": "001703c8-d40f-453d-b675-7f1f05954c26",
          "accountHolderID": "3cfa87dc-2ae2-43f7-9adc-3d2fa0fb1f50",
          "ifiID": 140827,
          "status": "ENABLED",
          "type": "p",
          "value": "+914071839645",
          "createdAt": "Dec 10, 2019 2:05:40 PM",
          "attributes": {
              "additionalProp1": "string",
              "additionalProp2": "string",
              "additionalProp3": "string"
          "headers": {}
  "type": "REAL",
  "status": "ENABLED",
  "firstName": "Jim",
  "middleName": "Hilton",
  "lastName": "Carry",
  "profilePicURL": "http://mypic.picland.somewhere.com/profile_pic.jpg",
  "gender": "Male",
  "pops": [],
  "attributes": {},
  "createdAt": {
      "date": {
          "year": 2019,
          "month": 12,
          "day": 10
      "time": {
          "hour": 14,
          "minute": 5,
          "second": 40,
          "nano": 766431000
  "headers": {}
Code Copied

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