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Create Account Holder

To create a new Account Holder, you must create an Application on Fusion. Issuer reviews your Application and post approval Account Holder is created with a unique identifier (accountHolderID or individualID).

Before you begin

Familiarize yourself with key Account Holder concepts explained in About Account Holders before you proceed.

Account Holder Profile Ownership

The Account Holder on-boarded on Fusion has a banking relationship with the Issuer that the fintech has partnered with. Therefore, the Issuer determines which details of the Account Holder are accessible by the fintech.

Create Account Holder

Use the /newIndividual API to create an account holder. Provide the demographic, OVD and other details as part of the body.

Note: The /newIndividual API is going to be deprecated soon. Fusion will be using the Applications APIs to create account holders.

Endpoint URI


Input parameters

  • ifiID: Required. Unique identifier of the IFI.

  • formID: Optional. Unique identifier of the form. If specified, value must be unique for each request.

  • applicationType: Required. Type of Application being created. Allowed values: KYC, CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER, EDIT_ACCOUNT_HOLDER. As we are creating an Account Holder, set the value to CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER.

  • description: Description of the Application. Use the parameter to add comments regarding the Application or the Account Holder.

  • individualType: Required. Type of Account Holder being created. As the Application is for RAH, set the value as REAL. individualID: Optional. Unique identifier of the Account Holder.

  • salutation: Optional. Salutation using which the Account Holder is addressed. Example: Mr., Mrs., Ms.

  • firstName: Optional. Account Holder’s first name. lastName: Optional. Account Holder’s last name. middleName: Optional. Account Holder’s middle name. profilePicURL: Optional. Link to Account Holder’s profile image.

  • gender: Optional. Account Holder’s gender.

  • mothersMaidenName: Optional. Account Holder’s mother’s maiden name.

  • dob: Account Holder’s date of birth details.

  • year: Optional. Year of birth in YYYY format.

  • month: Required. Month of birth in MM format. Value must be between 1 and 12

  • day: Required. Day of birth in DD format. Value cannot be more than the number of days in the specified month. For example, if the month of birth is June, day must be 30 or less. Vectors: Account Holder’sVector details.

  • type: Optional. Type of Vector. Allowed values: p for phone number; e for email. value: Optional. Value based on Vector type specified. For example, if vectorType is p, specify Account Holder’s phone number; if vectorType is e, specify email ID.

  • isVerified: Optional. Specify whether the Vector is verified or not. Allowed values: true, false. If the parameter is omitted or any other value is specified, it is set to false. kycDetails: Account Holder’s KYC details.

  • authType: Optional. Type of document submitted for KYC. Allowed values: AADHAR, PAN, PASSPORT, VOTER_ID, DRIVING_LICENSE.

  • authData: Required. Details based on the KYC type specified in authType. For example, if PAN is specified, provide the ten-character PAN identifier.

  • expiryTime: Optional. Expiry time of KYC in the ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD’T’HH:MM:SS:sss’Z’

  • kycAttributes: Optional. Additional information related to KYC.

  • kycStatus: Optional. KYC status of the Account Holder. Supported values: MINIMAL, AADHAR_OTP,

  • kycStatusPostExpiry: Optional. Status of KYC post expiry. UpdateTime: Optional. ISO 8601 Format YYYY-MM-DD’T’HH:MM:SS:sss’Z’

  • customFields: Optional. Any additional information you want to capture. Example: alternate phone number, UCIC.

  • pops: Optional. Account Holder’s address details.

  • tags: Optional. A mechanism for classifying and filtering objects in Fusion.


In the following example, we create an account holder Komal Gitika.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request POST 'https://fusion.preprod.zeta.in/api/v1/ifi/{{ifiID}}/applications/newIndividual' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{token}} \
--header 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
--data-raw '{
    "ifiID": "140793",
    "formID": "testapplication123468887",
    "spoolID": "123",
    "individualType": "REAL",
    "salutation": "Mr.",
    "firstName": "Komal",
    "middleName": "",
    "lastName": "Gitika",
    "profilePicURL": "",
    "dob": {
        "year": 1992,
        "month": 7,
        "day": 5
    "gender": "FEMALE",
    "mothersMaidenName": "Rashmi",
    "kycDetails": {
        "kycStatus": "MINIMAL",
        "kycStatusPostExpiry": "string",
        "kycAttributes": {},
        "authData": {
            "PAN": "GRUR08890L"
        "authType": "PAN"
    "vectors": [
            "type": "p",
            "value": "+919123456783",
            "isVerified": false
    "pops": [],
    "customFields": {
        "companyID": [
    "tags": [
            "type": "vbo",
            "value": "swiggy",
            "isVerified": false
    "source": "postman"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "applicationID": "3791050",
    "formID": "testapplication123468887",
    "ifiID": 140793,
    "spoolID": "123",
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "individualID": "9be6a3ad-a6f1-494a-bb2a-d488c5bac1f2",
    "applicationType": "REAL",
    "salutation": "Mr.",
    "firstName": "Komal",
    "middleName": "",
    "lastName": "Gitika",
    "profilePicURL": "",
    "dob": {
        "year": 1992,
        "month": 7,
        "day": 5
    "gender": "FEMALE",
    "mothersMaidenName": "Rashmi",
    "vectors": {
        "1e34d4d7-58c5-4f50-844b-38a28072ab16": {
            "type": "pan",
            "value": "GRUR08890L",
            "isVerified": false,
            "tags": [
                    "type": "vbo-id",
                    "value": "258cdc62-93cf-46de-8f22-a78f69065ca7"
        "cc1d9534-84de-4aa3-bcd4-6d8318d5b608": {
            "type": "p",
            "value": "+919123456783",
            "isVerified": false,
            "tags": [
                    "type": "vbo-id",
                    "value": "258cdc62-93cf-46de-8f22-a78f69065ca7"
    "pops": {},
    "tags": {
        "e859e1f9-615e-4070-9352-78cadb1fe762": {
            "type": "vbo-id",
            "value": "258cdc62-93cf-46de-8f22-a78f69065ca7"
    "kycDetails": {
        "kycStatus": "MINIMAL",
        "updateTime": "Mar 18, 2021 1:50:56 PM",
        "expiryTime": "Feb 23, 2120 1:50:56 PM",
        "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL",
        "authType": "PAN",
        "authData": {
            "PAN": "GRUR08890L"
        "kycAttributes": {
            "pan": "GRUR08890L",
            "kycType": "MINIMAL",
            "authType": "PAN"
    "customFields": {
        "companyID": [
    "createdAt": "Mar 18, 2021 1:50:56 PM",
    "updatedAt": "Mar 18, 2021 1:50:56 PM",
    "source": "Fusion",
    "statusDetails": {},
    "dedupeDetails": {
        "updated": false,
        "accountHolderExists": true
    "headers": {}
Code Copied

Create Account Holder using Application

An application can be used to request forming a banking relationship with the Issuer. Upon successful provisioning of an application an Account Holder is created. For more info, see Application

Application APIs

Create Application

Create an application for forming a banking relationship with the Issuer. The details collected as part of this application will be determined by the spool, which is defined by the Issuer. The spool id would be provided to you by Zeta when you are being onboarded as a fintech.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request POST '{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/{{ifiID}}/spool/{{spoolid}}/application' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{token}} \
--data-raw '{
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
    "vectors": [{
        "type": "e",
        "value": "[email protected]"
    "sections": {"AccountHolderDetails" : {
        "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
        "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
        "details": {
            "individualType": "REAL",
            "dob": {
                "year": 1957,
                "dayOfMonth": 13,
                "month": 7
            "salutation": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Sarthak",
            "lastName": "Verma",
            "middleName": "Kumar",
            "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
            "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
    "sections": {
        "AccountHolderDetails": {
            "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
            "details": {
                "dob": {
                    "year": 1957.0,
                    "month": 7.0,
                    "dayOfMonth": 13.0
                "gender": "MALE",
                "lastName": "Verma",
                "firstName": "Sarthak",
                "middleName": "Kumar",
                "salutation": "Mr.",
                "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
                "individualType": "REAL",
                "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
                "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30"
    "vectors": [
            "vectorId": "d8979db7-bc16-4934-9450-4c33a3991791",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "type": "e",
            "value": "[email protected]",
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "attributes": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30"
    "stages": [
            "stageId": "2b7c5ecc-64dc-4985-93d8-b1dfb8788de5",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ASSESSMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "24691789-c586-49fc-9071-ef5c58066211",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "DATA_CAPTURE",
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {
                "validationFailed": [
                        "code": "APPLICATION_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED",
                        "type": "JsonSchemaValidator",
                        "status": "FAILED",
                        "message": "#: #: only 1 subschema matches out of 2",
                        "attributes": {
                            "errorMessages": [
                                "#/sections: required key [Personal] not found",
                                "#/sections: required key [Vectors] not found"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.024+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:42:20.436+05:30"
            "stageId": "3546099b-4d81-42d5-abea-05dfbadf50a2",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ENRICHMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "11f04481-6e07-4036-b549-69a1868abdfc",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "PROVISIONING",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "e6163594-0b26-4d96-a890-79231c7adcf4",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "REVIEW",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30"
    "tags": [
            "type": "spool-id",
            "value": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "attributes": {}
            "type": "vbo-id",
            "value": "26c28ca6-4202-464c-9806-b788989762d4",
            "attributes": {}
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.672+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.815+05:30"
Code Copied

Get application

Fetch the details of the applicant using this API. You need to provide the application_id that was provided to you when you created the application for the given spool.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request GET '{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/{ifi_id}/application/{application_id}' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {authtoken}'
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
    "sections": {
        "AccountHolderDetails": {
            "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
            "details": {
                "dob": {
                    "year": 1957.0,
                    "month": 7.0,
                    "dayOfMonth": 13.0
                "gender": "MALE",
                "lastName": "Verma",
                "firstName": "Sarthak",
                "middleName": "Kumar",
                "salutation": "Mr.",
                "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
                "individualType": "REAL",
                "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
                "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30"
    "vectors": [
            "vectorId": "d8979db7-bc16-4934-9450-4c33a3991791",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "type": "e",
            "value": "[email protected]",
            "status": "ENABLED",
            "attributes": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30"
    "stages": [
            "stageId": "2b7c5ecc-64dc-4985-93d8-b1dfb8788de5",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ASSESSMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "24691789-c586-49fc-9071-ef5c58066211",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "DATA_CAPTURE",
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {
                "validationFailed": [
                        "code": "APPLICATION_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED",
                        "type": "JsonSchemaValidator",
                        "status": "FAILED",
                        "message": "#: #: only 1 subschema matches out of 2",
                        "attributes": {
                            "errorMessages": [
                                "#/sections: required key [Personal] not found",
                                "#/sections: required key [Vectors] not found"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.024+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:51:28.770+05:30"
            "stageId": "3546099b-4d81-42d5-abea-05dfbadf50a2",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ENRICHMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "11f04481-6e07-4036-b549-69a1868abdfc",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "PROVISIONING",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "e6163594-0b26-4d96-a890-79231c7adcf4",
            "ifiId": 140793,
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "REVIEW",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30"
    "tags": [
            "type": "spool-id",
            "value": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "attributes": {}
            "type": "vbo-id",
            "value": "26c28ca6-4202-464c-9806-b788989762d4",
            "attributes": {}
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.672+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.815+05:30"
    "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "type": "CreateRealAccountHolder",
    "details": {
        "dob": {
            "year": 1957.0,
            "month": 7.0,
            "dayOfMonth": 13.0
        "gender": "MALE",
        "lastName": "Verma",
        "firstName": "Sarthak",
        "middleName": "Kumar",
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
        "individualType": "REAL",
        "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
        "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30"
Code Copied

Add section

Sometimes an applicant may not complete the application in one shot. For example, at a given stage the applicant is only carrying their ID proof but do not yet have the address proof. In such cases, you can add sections to the application before you mark the sourcing (DATA_CAPTURE) stage as complete.

Section is also a free flowing json that can be defined however the fintech wants but would eventually be verified using one of the schema validators of the application which is setup by the Issuer.

cURL Sample
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curl --location --request POST 'https://fusion.preprod.zeta.in/api/v1/ifi/{{ifiID}}/spool/{{spool_id}}/application/{{application}}/section/AccountHolderDetails' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{token}}' \
--data-raw '{
	"details": {
            "individualType": "REAL",
            "dob": {
                "year": 1957,
                "dayOfMonth": 13,
                "month": 7
            "salutation": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Sarthak",
            "lastName": "Verma",
            "middleName": "Kumar",
            "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
            "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "mothersMaidenName": "xyz",
            "kycDetails": {
                "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
                "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL",
                "kycAttributes": {
                    "key": "value"
                "authType": "AADHAAR",
                "authData": {
                    "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "vectors": [{
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
            "pops": [{
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "postCode": "100010",
                    "country": "India"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
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    "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "type": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "details": {
        "dob": {
            "year": 1957.0,
            "month": 7.0,
            "dayOfMonth": 13.0
        "pops": [
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postCode": "100010"
        "gender": "MALE",
        "vectors": [
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
        "lastName": "Verma",
        "firstName": "Sarthak",
        "kycDetails": {
            "authData": {
                "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "authType": "AADHAAR",
            "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
            "kycAttributes": {
                "key": "value"
            "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL"
        "middleName": "Kumar",
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
        "individualType": "REAL",
        "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
        "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T12:17:14.271+05:30"
Code Copied

Update Section

Finetch can also update a section of the application, in case any erroneous information has been provided using the update section API.

cURL Sample
Switch Theme
Expand More
curl --location --request PUT '{{fusion_base_url}}/v1/ifi/140793/spool/{{spool_id}}/application/{{application_id}}/AccountHolderDetails' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: {{auth_token}}' \
--data-raw '{
	"details": {
            "individualType": "REAL",
            "dob": {
                "year": 1957,
                "dayOfMonth": 13,
                "month": 7
            "salutation": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Sarthak",
            "lastName": "Verma",
            "middleName": "Kumar",
            "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
            "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
            "gender": "MALE",
            "mothersMaidenName": "xyz",
            "kycDetails": {
                "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
                "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL",
                "kycAttributes": {
                    "key": "value"
                "authType": "AADHAAR",
                "authData": {
                    "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "vectors": [{
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
            "pops": [{
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "postCode": "100010",
                    "country": "India"
Code Copied
JSON Sample
Switch Theme
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    "sectionId": "4d62f76d-9826-4b72-a7f5-c3c885e2f6b9",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "type": "AccountHolderDetails",
    "details": {
        "dob": {
            "year": 1957.0,
            "month": 7.0,
            "dayOfMonth": 13.0
        "pops": [
                "label": "home",
                "address": {
                    "city": "Bareilly",
                    "line1": "Q. No. 123",
                    "line2": "IFFCO Township",
                    "state": "UP",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postCode": "100010"
        "gender": "MALE",
        "vectors": [
                "type": "p",
                "value": "+919000000000",
                "isVerified": true
        "lastName": "Verma",
        "firstName": "Sarthak",
        "kycDetails": {
            "authData": {
                "AADHAAR": "677777777777"
            "authType": "AADHAAR",
            "kycStatus": "AADHAAR_OTP",
            "kycAttributes": {
                "key": "value"
            "kycStatusPostExpiry": "MINIMAL"
        "middleName": "Kumar",
        "salutation": "Mr.",
        "profilePicURL": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/darylws/128.jpg",
        "individualType": "REAL",
        "applicationType": "CREATE_ACCOUNT_HOLDER",
        "mothersMaidenName": "xyz"
    "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T12:17:14.271+05:30"
Code Copied

Mark Data Capture complete

This API is used to mark the data capture stage of application complete. This API indicates that the details that were to be collected from the applicant have been collected. Now as part of the next stage, Enrichment, details from third party services can be added.

cURL Sample
Switch Theme
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curl --location --request POST '{{fusion_base_url}}/api/v1/ifi/{{ifiID}}/spool/{{spool_id}}application/{{application_id}}/stage/DATA_CAPTURE/complete' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Zeta-AuthToken: '{{token}}'
Code Copied
JSON Sample
Switch Theme
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    "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
    "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
    "ifiId": 140793,
    "requestId": "request_cah-233",
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            "ifiId": 140793,
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "name": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "type": "AccountHolderDetails",
            "details": {
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            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.837+05:30",
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            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "type": "e",
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            "status": "ENABLED",
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            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:04.707+05:30"
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            "name": "ASSESSMENT",
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            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
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            "name": "DATA_CAPTURE",
            "status": "INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {
                "validationFailed": [
                        "code": "APPLICATION_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED",
                        "type": "JsonSchemaValidator",
                        "status": "FAILED",
                        "message": "#: #: only 1 subschema matches out of 2",
                        "attributes": {
                            "errorMessages": [
                                "#/sections: required key [Personal] not found",
                                "#/sections: required key [Vectors] not found"
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.024+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T15:56:30.525+05:30"
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            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "ENRICHMENT",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
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            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "PROVISIONING",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.036+05:30"
            "stageId": "e6163594-0b26-4d96-a890-79231c7adcf4",
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            "applicationId": "88d24ca5-2f75-435d-9fed-b6bb0a662377",
            "spoolId": "12b66d97-c5c5-4a38-b896-b1790a6a6845",
            "name": "REVIEW",
            "status": "NOT_INITIATED",
            "details": {},
            "result": {},
            "createdAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30",
            "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.037+05:30"
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    "updatedAt": "2021-02-19T10:40:05.815+05:30"
Code Copied
Additional APIs can be exposed to the Fintech, subject to the Issuer’s approval. Fintech can subscribe to the ‘Account Holder Created’ event to know when the application gets approved.